Start of Polish Presidency of the EU


Today begins the Polish presidency in the European Union Council. It will last for six months.

Polish presidency begins at a time when the Union faces many serious challenges, as economic and social. General agenda for the Polish Presidency is to response to these challenges. Poland can count on the support of many European countries and the Community institutions to achieve those purposes. As research shows, the presidency has also the support of Polish society – one of the most euroenthusiastic in the whole Union.

The priorities that the Polish Presidency has set are Community initiatives which can make our Union stronger: re-launching the economy through both the long-term budget and strengthening the internal market, security of energy, cooperation in defence and upgrading our neighbourhood policy. These are all areas where there is true European added value. In order to achieve these targets, the Polish Presidency will concentrate on three basic priorities: European integration as the source of growth, a Secure Europe and a Europe benefiting from openness.

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