Agnieszka Pomaska took the patronage over the Political Knowledge Contest in Gdansk.


On 18th April 2011 the first Politcal Knowledge Contest organized by Young Democrats Association from Gdansk in cooperation with Agnieszka Pomaska MP’s Office took part. It was adressed to high school students and included a wide range of knowledge on political life in Poland and Europe over the last years as well as the knowledge on the current political law.

6 teams consisting of 3 person answered closed questions in the first round and three with best scores took part in the second round with open questions and sound clip quizzes.

The winning team from High School No3 in Gdansk together with the second and third teams have now the possibility to participate in the trip to Warsaw where they will visit Polish Parliament – Sejm and meet Agnieszka Pomaska MP.

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Biuro Poselskie Agnieszki Pomaskiej, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, IV piętro), 80-244 Gdańsk