Children’s Commissioner calls LGBT+ an „idea” incompatible with Polish patriotism


– LGBT+ people exist, I’m not denying that- the Polish Children’s Ombudsman, Mikołaj Pawlak, announced in an interview with TVN24. Yet, just a few moments later, he denounced sexual minorities as an „idea” that is incompatible with „a traditionally understood Polish patriotism”.

– I can agree that LGBT+ people exist. They do. There is an LGBT+ community- the Children’s Ombudsman asserted during an interview with Konrad Piasecki on Tuesday. – It’s the truth and I’m not denying that- he added.

His statement was a direct reference to comments of government officials regarding people identifying as sexual minorities. The School Superintendent for the region of Małopolska in southern Poland, Barbara Nowak, who once claimed that the LGBT+ community “is propagating paedophilia”, in a recent interview with the catholic-conservative Radio Maryja said this: the LGBT+ community has one goal: it wants to destroy the world as we know it, the world we are used to. Then, on its ruins, they want to build some kind of a neo-barbarian world.

A week earlier, Nowak appeared in a program aired on TV Trwam (owned by the same religious organization as Radio Maryja) together with the School Superintendent for the Łódź region, Grzegorz Wierzchowski, who compared sexual minorities to a virus. Although Wierzchowski lost his job, officials such as governor Tobiasz Bocheński and representatives of the Ministry of Education assured the public that the decision had nothing to do with his homophobic comments.

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photo: Sławomir Kamiński / Agencja Gazeta

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