First Polish Scientific Satellite „Hevelius”


Chair of the Parliamentary European Union Committee Agnieszka Pomaska ​​ participated on 19 August in a ceremony related to the elevation of the satellite „Hevelius” into orbit. Organization of the event coincided with honor the Gdańsk Science Center – Center Hewelianum.

The first connection to „Heweliusz” was established at 10:02 am during the first pass of the satellite over Europe. The first signal from „Heweliusz” was received, which was quite strong and stable. Communication in both directions (up and downlink) was fine, practically without any downtime and delays. The House Keeping onboard computer (HKC) was switched on and housekeeping data was received. All the main operating parameters are OK.

Diplomats, scientists and journalists from Poland, China and other countries had a meeting on 20 August 2014 at the Polish Embassy in Beijing, to sum up the successful mission to launch Hevelius, a Polish scientific satellite, into the Earth’s orbit by a Chinese „Long March 4B” rocket.


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