Let's be in touchContact

Agnieszka Pomaska’s Parliamentary Office
Grunwaldzka 82 (Manhattan Shopping Center, 4th floor)
80-244 Gdańsk

The office is open every day from Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

To arrange a meeting, please contact the office in advance and briefly describe your case.

  • e-mail: biuro@pomaska.pl
  • website: www.pomaska.pl
  • telephone: 58 767 72 40
  • fax: 58 767 72 44
  • mobile: +48 574 152 793

I also invite you to contact me and talk on social media:

Contact form

    The administrator of personal data is Agnieszka Pomaska. The data in the contact form will be processed in order to process the request.

    58 767 72 40
    574 152 793
    Agnieszka Pomaska's Parliamentary Office, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, 4th floor), 80-244 Gdańsk