
On Sunday, 16 January 2022, Andrzej Stankiewicz in the programme '7 Dzień Tygodnia w Radio ZET’ hosted the following guests: Jan Kanthak – Solidarna Polska (Solidarity Poland), Agnieszka Pomaska – Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska), Tomasz Rzymkowski – Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość), Marek Sawicki – Polish Peasants’ Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) and Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus...

On Thursday (02.12), Agnieszka Pomaska participated in the Summit for Democracy event organized by the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), a bipartisan committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, the International Republican Institute (IRI), and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Convened by President Biden, the first Democracy Summit brought together leaders from government, civil society, and...

On Tuesday, which was the second day of the COP26 summit with country leaders, two major agreements were announced – to halt deforestation by 2030 and to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent from last year’s levels by 2030. Observers note the absence of Chinese and Russian conductors at the Glasgow conference. (…) Leaders of...

Wyborcza’s journalist Katarzyna Włodkowska was ordered to reveal the identity of a confidential source she relied on while reporting on the Gdańsk mayor murder case. Meanwhile, after nearly three years, the prosecution still hasn’t prepared an indictment against the man who committed the murder. Agnieszka Pomaska, MP, submitted a question to the Minister of Justice...

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