
Ms. Joanna’s courage shows that even a single person, wronged, if she has the courage to speak up, to stand up to this authority, she can really contribute to change,” said PO leader Donald Tusk, referring to Ms. Joanna’s case. The woman faced interrogation and searches by police officers at the hospital after taking the...

Hundreds of parliamentarians gathered in Vancouver, Canada, for the 30th annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The five-day meeting began today with calls to strengthen the OSCE’s role in addressing current challenges, including by ending the war in Ukraine with full respect for the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In her opening remarks, OSCE...

Today (28.06) in front of the Batory Shopping Center in Gdynia, a press conference was held to summarize the course of the Civic Coalition’s „I watch the elections” campaign to date. The conference was attended by KO parliamentarians Slawomir Nitras – nationwide coordinator of Citizens’ Election Control, Agnieszka Pomaska, Barbara Nowacka, Tadeusz Aziewicz and Slawomir...

„Mr. Prime Minister, we are here to hold you accountable,” „We pay the Sucker Bills” – these are just some of the banners that demonstrators in Warsaw had with them. On Friday, June 16, a National Protest Action of residents of the „Mieszkanie Plus” program was held in front of the Sejm. The protest was...

Almost half a million people took part in the march initiated by Donald Tusk. Crowds of Poles marched through the streets of Warsaw to show their opposition to the current PiS government. The event kicked off as scheduled at 12 p.m. The route of the grand opposition march led through: Square at the Crossroads –...

On Wednesday (31.05), a press conference organized by KO deputies Agnieszka Pomaska and Barbara Nowacka was held at one of the last Lotos gas stations in Gdansk, which was also attended by Dr. Dariusz Wieczorek – an assistant professor at the Department of Corporate Finance at the University of Gdansk. The subject of the conference...

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