Malbork. Minister Piotr Glinski notifies police in connection with a press conference of KO parliamentarians in front of Malbork Castle.


A simultaneous visit to Malbork by Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński and a group of Civic Platform parliamentarians ended with police intervention. The local police station received a notice of a possible crime in connection with the illegal entry of the Castle Museum without the permission of the land manager. Parliamentarians are outraged – their meeting with residents took place in front of the entrance to the castle grounds.

Such a turn of events was not expected by Civic Platform parliamentarians who came to Malbork to promote the Citizens’ Election Control initiative. The local police station received a notice of a possible crime in connection with their illegal entry into the Castle Museum grounds without permission from the grounds manager.

– Minister Gliński was stricken with fear yesterday in Malbork and filed a notice that our conference with Speaker Tomasz Grodzki was an illegal assembly! We are guarding the integrity of the elections and a PiS apparatchik says it’s illegal! Niedzielski reveals sensitive doctor’s data, Gliński raids the police on citizens standing on the sidewalk because he says they are standing illegally. The Speaker of the Senate illegally talks to people on the streets and the police intervene, summed up the situation for MP Pomaska.
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Agnieszka Pomaska's Parliamentary Office, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, 4th floor), 80-244 Gdańsk