Results of art contest „What for you is the European Union?”


Throughout September last art contest „What for you is the European Union?”, which was organized by the President of the Parliamentary European Union Affairs Committee Agnieszka Pomaska.

The initiative was aimed at students in grades IV-VI of primary schools. At the competition we had more than 260 beautiful, colorful work – their gallery is available HERE. Finally, after much discussion and deliberation the Competition Commission emerged victorious school:

First place: Primary School No. 6  Dr. Władysław Gębik in Kwidzyn

Second place: Primary School No. 50  Emilia Plater in Gdansk

Third place: Primary School No. 92   Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Gdansk

All children congratulations and thank you for participating in the contest! Prizes will be transferred soon to individual establishments. In addition, each participant will receive a diploma.

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Biuro Poselskie Agnieszki Pomaskiej, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, IV piętro), 80-244 Gdańsk