Sedzia Igor Tuleya . Sedzia prowadzil slynna sprawe kardochirurga doktora G .
Fot . Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja Gazeta
Igor Tuleya, a Warsaw judge persecuted by the ruling camp for his refusal to toe the party line, was suspended from the bench on Wednesday. His last action consisted of sending a preliminary question to the Court of Justice of the EU concerning the legality of the decision of the Disciplinary Chamber that stripped him of his immunity.
On Thursday morning, Igor Tuleya appeared in Warsaw’s district court, where he was to conduct a criminal case at 10 am. He addressed the participants in the proceedings in extraordinary circumstances – instead of wearing a judge’s gown, he was in a suit and spoke in the corridor, instead of the courtroom.
– I apologize for speaking in the court corridor, but I am no longer able to enter the Chamber,’ he said. – I would like to thank all the participants of the trial and say that unfortunately, we cannot proceed due to the order signed by the President of the court’s department. Today, the case has been taken off the agenda – he added.
The hearing was cancelled after last Wednesday’s decision by the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court, which stripped Tuleya of his immunity. The public prosecutor’s office intends to bring charges against the judge for his actions in the courtroom. In 2017, Tuleya allowed the media to record the justification of his verdict concerning irregularities in the parliamentary vote. According to the prosecutor’s office, Tuleya thereby abused his powers and disclosed the secret of the investigation. These crimes are punishable by up to three and up to two years in prison respectively.
In addition, Tuleya has been suspended from his professional activities/office, and his salary has been reduced by 25%.
source: wyborcza.pl
photo: Sławomir Kamiński/Agencja Gazeta